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The Origin Story
Tennis was first played with just the hands and a ball. It was originally referred to as Jeu de Paume or Game of Palm. It wasn't until the invention of pressurized balled and racquets that tennis as we know it today became so popular. This was probably because playing hand tennis was quite painful and very challenging.
Meaning of the word "Tennis"
Tennis comes from the French tenez, the formal imperative form of the verb tenir, to have, meaning "hold!", "receive!" or "take!"
The Evolution
We've set out to bring hand tennis back to the world, which led us to inventing the first ever Glove Racket. The traditional racket is hand held but this racket holds you. The glove racket literally transforms your hand into a racket unlike anything you've ever experienced.

Meaning of the word "Racquet"
Racket (or racquet) derives from the Arabic rakhat, meaning the palm of the hand.
One day, Anthony Soto & Emmanuel Soto - two brothers and business partners - were taking a brainstorming stroll around their neighborhood. They ended up on a tennis court by their house and coincidently, they had no shoes, and no equipment.
Anthony looked over to find nothing on the court but a squishy kids tennis ball. He looked at the court and noticed the service box was the perfect space to play some hand tennis. After a couple rallies they quickly began to realize just how easy it was to brainstorm and play at the same time. They noticed that in "Real Tennis" this was nearly impossible - given the large size of the court.
This brainstorming session quickly became one about hand tennis and how to bring it back to the world. After countless hours of engineering and testing different products for the hand, the Glove Racket was invented.
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